
a monthly roundup of what i read, watched and listened to and found interesting + a study tracker. 

movies, shows and the like:

Bo Burnham: Inside

After a year of staying at home, this is just what the doctor ordered. I feel inadequate for writing anything about how I felt after watching this because as Bo sang, he wouldn't wanna know. But this is the type of stuff that makes you want to give up on everything for how depressing it is, but simultaneously inspires you to try and match its level of excellence.  Also, 10/10 soundtrack, had me streaming all month long. 

The Intern

I have this thing where I can't bring myself to rewatch stuff, no matter how good I feel about it. There's only a handful of stuff I have revisited, this being one of them. So if there's one movie I can call my "comfort movie", it'd be The Intern. I love me an old Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway is just the icing on the cake.

Kim's Convenience S5

What a joke! Not in a "haha-funny-sitcom" kind of way, but they simply ruined the show and made a mess out of it. The plotline and character development seemed vague to me throughout the show, but by the fifth season, they made a mockery out of everything. It's like how my final exams went this month: promising at the start, rushed and disappointing by the end. But at least I'll have a better result. 

Jawaani Jaaneman

It's a fine watch for a lazy evening when you don't want to commit to anything heavy. And I wanted to see a Saif movie because of this.  

Law School 

I am so glad I watched this. I think the impact it had on me is immense and maybe it's recency bias but this was one of the best shows I have watched all year, not so much for the story or drama but for the actors. The theme song "We Are" is dope. 

music and podcast(s):

Stephen Fry: 7 Deadly Sins

It's...alright. I only listened to the first few episodes and it will be all for me, I guess. Focusing on podcasts is kind of tough, even with Fry's dramatic expressions. The first episode has interesting observations about the human condition in twitter-verse with so much divisiveness and finger-pointing, and the incessant need to have an opinion on everything. Episodes on pride and jealousy were cool. Extra love for the lust episode because of Stephen's antics.

Listening Activity

Surprisingly mainstream pop-heavy, I thought I had tuned in to a lot of k-pop this month :/... good4u is there just to guilt-trip myself.

academic update:

I have finally started NCERTs, and they are so fun!! Test series has kind of disrupted making notes, but it's ok, I'll catch up. I remember how I said I'll complete political science by June. Well, I didn't. But I will soon. I have made good progress there and elsewhere, and I am feeling positive about myself.


gotta do what you gotta do. 

Note to Self: honestly doing this had me wondering why I did this, but I never do such stuff and it's important to get out of one's shell. Cataloguing consumption is one of the rules anyway. It only took 30 minutes, so as Westbrook says, WHY NOT!
